


People pleasing

People Pleasing Podcast Episode Graphic

Are you a people pleaser?

Maybe you have heard that term, floating around on social media or maybe someone has said that you are a people pleaser?

This episode is for you if you ARE a people pleaser, or if you LIVE with one.

Being a people pleaser can make you a martyr – looking after other people’s needs and sacrificing your own.

When you silence yourself, not expressing what you really think and feel about things, it damages your relationship, in more ways than one.

You don’t make your partner ‘happy’ if you always do what they want, as an attempt to please them.

Why? Your partner won’t love it, because they end up with an angry, resentful partner with a low sense of worth.

Because they don’t get to fully KNOW YOU – your wishes, urges, fantasies, dreams, wants, and needs.

A healthy relationship is one balancing the needs of both partners.

Tune into this short bite-sized solo episode on any podcast platform.

To learn more about how to stop people-pleasing, to balance your relationship, sign up to my 60-minute mini-workshop here:  www.thethomasconnection.co.uk/peoplepleasing/


Order my book, The Lasting Connection, here

To spend 90 days to develop love and compassion for yourself, join the online course, The Compassionate Couple, here

Find me at www.thethomasconnection.co.uk

Instagram: @the_thomas_connection

Facebook: www.facebook.com/thethomasconnection

Pause Purpose Play Facebook group: www.facebook.com/groups/pausepurposeplay 


This episode was edited by Emily Crosby Media

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Michaela Thomas
Michaela Thomas

Senior Clinical Psychologist & CBT Psychotherapist

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