As parents we want to do the best for our children. We want them to be safe, well and happy. But how we feel affects how our children feel and if you doubt yourself, how can they grow up to be confident and believe in themselves?

Life as a parent doesn’t have to be filled with battles and stress, but some days will still be harder than others. Those days are about surviving. Getting through and not aiming for perfection. Other days you might be thriving. Feeling calm and connected with your child. It is all a balance and we can teach you ways to achieve that. Get in touch to get started on this journey.

ps. we are helping to develop a fantastic app for new mums – called Nourish – specifically tailored to mothers and the emotions and challenges they face. Read more.

Challenges you might be facing

Unable to cope




Excessive worry


Low self-esteem


Unable to cope

You feel overwhelmed by the pressure of parenting

Parenting is hard. So hard that a lot of parents unfortunately struggle with depression and anxiety, and exhaustion is almost a daily flavour for a lot of parents. It is especially tough parenting very young children, where you might be struck with the torture that is sleep deprivation, and you may lack support.

We can help you find ways of coping with these challenges, by looking after yourself as well as your child, and see how you can find a tribe of support around you.



You feel down and that life is no longer fulfilling

We all have times where we feel really low. This can be really unsettling, even if it isn’t technically “clinical depression”. We can feel like we have lost our direction and meaning, that things feel hopeless and will never change. We start being too hard on ourselves about when we make mistakes and this self criticism can completely deflate us.

Through depression treatment, we can help you feel that life is worth living again. We’ll find out what is important to you and help you rediscover the things you used to be passionate about.


You feel like you are about to break under the pressure

We all experience stress from time to time, and when we’re feeling in control of it, stress can even help us perform better. But when stress is preventing us from enjoying our life, then the pressure can even cause illness.

Through stress treatment, we can help you find your balance so that you can thrive and feel in control of your life again.


Illness – either yours or your child’s – has left you drained

Having a baby can mean a lot of pressure on our bodies and it takes longer to recover than we think. This is even harder if you or your child has had additional challenges, such as reflux, allergies, feeding difficulties, childhood illnesses or difficulties following a premature birth.

We can help you focus on restoring yourself again, by finding ways of balancing your care for yourself with the care for your child.

Excessive worry

You worry about things going wrong

Worrying about things is completely normal. But if our minds are constantly focusing on “what if…” scenarios, it will leave us feeling exhausted, stressed and tense. It can make it difficult to focus at work, and we might have rows with family who don’t share our concerns.

We provide treatment for excessive worry and/or generalised anxiety. We can help you find your focus again, making it easier for you to solve problems and get on with your life.


You’re not sure about your feelings for your child

Feeling guilty almost seems to be a badge of honour in parenthood. And it can be appropriate to feel guilty if we do something unkind to our children, to help us repair and apologise. But sometimes this guilt is excessive and makes us go over scenarios in our head constantly. This can be really draining and make you feel bad.

We can help you figure out the difference between appropriate and excessive guilt, so you can find joy in your interaction with your child.

Low self-esteem

You feel like you’re never good enough

We all make mistakes sometimes, and might feel bad about who we are if we get criticised. But if you struggle to like or accept yourself when others don’t, you might need some help with your self-esteem.

We can help you build the confidence to step out of your comfort zone in reaching your goals, finding a relationship or going for a promotion at work, feeling okay with who you are.


If it’s not perfect, you feel like you have failed

Striving for high standards or excellence is not a bad thing. But when we go after those standards even when it makes the rest of our life suffer, then we have a problem with perfectionism.

Our perfectionism therapy can help you dare to make mistakes and use failures as a way to grow and strive for excellence.

Coming soon - the Nourish app

The Nourish app is a new wellbeing app, currently in development, specifically tailored to mothers and the emotions and challenges they face.

The aim of the Nourish app is to help mothers love and nourish themselves, so they can maximise the magic of motherhood, but also better ride those turbulent storms when they come.

A mother’s emotional wellbeing not only impacts her own happiness, but also the emotional wellbeing of the entire family; her ability to work productively; and her ability to add positively to her wider community and the whole of society. 


The Nourish app will be an accessible, multi-disciplinary toolkit, full of practical and bite-sized inspiration and support on emotional wellbeing and self-care, specifically for mums.

The Nourish app will be available in iOS (Apple phones) in January 2019 and in Android later in 2019.